Accept your fault immediately and promptly-----
Easier said than to implement .
Everday we have experince of this fact .It is rare to accept wrongs if done .
Because it is taken as sign of weakness in routine process ,appears to downgrade the self-esteem and mind react very negatively.Defending a mistake is a routine response of human being.
But there is a universal concept of CAUSE AND EFFECT and nothing can overcome it .If there is effect there is a cause ,although it may appear be very subtle.If there is a cause,there would be effect .So if you have done wrong ,there would be effect which may shift to a distant future .And in such situation that effect may appear to have no cause.For a particular event ,cause has is to be there and and that cause may date back even to previous birth .
Advantages of accepting mistake---
1.Accepting the mistake require much courage and accepting the mistake is enough assurance to the person about his courageous attribute
2.removes the sense of guilt and defensiveness
3.helps to solve the problem that lead to mistake feeling of nobility and exultation
Other side of the coin ----
When one accept the mistake ,very rarely the affected person respond in aggressive way .Starting oneself to condemn for mistake rarely invite rebuke from the affected person .Mostly become magnanimous to forgive/or show mercy because candid acceptance of error make that effected person important .And to be important is a big psychological need(rather craving)
So what to do when there is a mistake/error/fault?
Admit MISTAKE quickly and emphatically------Dale carnegie
I have used this concept of Dale Carnegie and it has benefited me enormously .
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